Thursday, March 24, 2011


i'm not going to lie. i dont understand why im frustrated. actually i kind of do. it goes back to that whole, "i care if ANYONE is mad at me, no matter what their relationship with me is." im in between a rock and a hard place. matt makes me feel like he takes my side, but if me and larry sat down and talked about it.. there is no way matt would stand up for me against larry. which is pretty shitty considering he keeps telling me im right. also, this is not work drama. please leave it at home. this job is important to me. im an adult, and i like for people to see me as an adult. and thats exactly why when people come to me about the shit larry is saying, i respond with theres nothing to talk about, or its no ones business. what did i do that was so bad? try to keep a clean house, or get tired of cleaning up after larry? if its me that needs to move, so be it. im gone. but i pay money just like larry does. i deserve just as much as he does. im here to stay as long as matt wants me to stay.
 sidenote, that tuna sandwich and banana i had for lunch are NOT cutting it. hollaaa.