Monday, July 18, 2011

wilddd weekend.

friday i got off work and went straight home. my foster dog was delivered! she is precious. her name is Annie. They brought lots of food, some toys, a crate and bowls and stuff for her. Her and Roxy are having some trouble getting along sometimes. but for the most parts it good. then matt got home and the time warner people came. they didnt fix anything though.. soon after i was in bed. saturday morning i had to work at 7am! since we are moving to the new building next weekend.. crystal and i had lots of files to move! we didnt stop until 4:40PM. we were sooo tiredd. so i went home and just laid on he couch. went over to crystals for a while but i was just too sore and too tired to stay.

matt and larry got up at like 3 in the morning to go get some stupid boat from south carolina. i didnt wake up until like 10:30AM and crystal was ringing my doorbell over and over. so we went out to get some food. we drove around foreverrr then finally decided on Yong Feu Lous. then we went to the dollar tree, and went to some witch like store.. i forget what its called. so then we drove around forever trying to find a good will. and once we did i had to poop soooo bad. so i blew up the bathroom in wendys! HOLLA. hahaha. so after that i went home and just watched tv. then at 11:30PM i was letting the dogs inside and Annie (my foster dog) came inside very slowly and her mouth was extremely swollen. so i woke matt up and he said she probably just licked a frog... but either way to took her to the emergency pet doctor but i couldnt get up with anyone from the foster place. they took her in and said he was bitten by a snakee. yikes.. i finally got up with someone from the humane society and they paid for the treatment and stuff. i had to leave Annie over night.. but i didnt get home until like 3:30AM. so now i am extremely tired.

To dream about sex with someone other than your spouse or significant other, suggests dissatisfaction with the physical side of your relationship. On the other hand, it may be harmless fantasy. In such situations, you may find that you are less inhibited sexually. Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship.

that dream was weird. i never had sex with anyone, but it was still weird. ohh and that explanation up there pretty much just says "you're horny" hahahhaa.