Tuesday, November 16, 2010

drop everything now.

last friday after work me and matt left for his dads house. it was a decent drive, but we took 64 so we skipped all the traffic that was on 40. once we got there we had chicken and pastry! my favoriteeee. and we just watched tv and stuff. saturday we got up and went to eat breakfast at Millers? i think thats what its called. that was really good. then we went to the mall in winston-salem. then we went back to the house and i took a little nap :) haha. we had dinner at this cute little place and it was veryy good. i had shrimp <3 then we watched toy story three! it was sooo good, just kind of sad. sunday matt made us breakfast then we headed home. went by belk to pick up the new pots and pans.

i dont really remember much cause its been so long. one day last week we moved all my clothes and bathroom stuff from my apartment to matts. friday night matt had the state game and he asked if he could drive my car because it would be easier to park than his truck at the rbc center. so i took his truck to go shopping in :) haha, well dollar tree shopping anyways.i had to work saturday. so saturday morning i go out to my car and i have rain guards on my windows! i was so excited. ive been waiting those since i got my car. he never took my car to the rbc center. haha, he left it at honda for dewayne to put the visors on! how cute is he? i love surprisesssss. i had lunch with him and larry at macaroni grill. then after work we drove out to lake gaston to meet up with crystal and john. we got there around nine, and crystal was already trashed. and it wasnt long before i was too. yikeeess. i took 7? shots within like an hour. why? idkkk? hahaha. so i threw up and went to bed at like 11? hahaha. it was fun though. and melissa, and my babyyy sat beside me when i was throwing up. haha. apparently im a calm drunk. i remember matt coming up to the door and i was just like " HEYY, i just threw up " haha then brushing my teeth. lmao. sunday morning we all went to cracker barrell! it had been so long i was happy to eat there. then i played with melissas kids for a while and we drove home.we laid around for a little bit. then took showers and got ready to go to my grandmas. while we were getting ready matt got upset because he lost a pair of pants i guess that are expensive and fit really good or something? so he was like flipping out and yelling. so i yelled back. then i just left the room and waited for him to get done. and he told me he was sorry for yelling and kissed me. he apologized, WOW. i didnt even know what to say because i was in such shock that a guy was apologizing to me. and meant it. so we went to my grandmas, dinner was amazinggg. i cut like a billon coupons from the paper. then we went to HARRIS TEETER. shopping with matt was nerve racking. im not sure why. but he's right. once we get into the swing of things it will be okay.

last night i left work early to take my apartment complex my letter for moving out and my check for the two months rent. then matt and larry came over. and we moved the dining room table and a bunch of stuff. ate dinner at carrabas. then i went home and went to sleep. then matt woke me up at 1AM. ;) ahhhhh.

being in love is such an incredible feeling.