Friday, January 7, 2011

i dont sympathize cause you're a simple bitch.

i had a dream about my mom last night. it was really awkward. i was crying and saying i miss my mom, i really miss her. and she was sitting right there so i was pretty much talking to her. and she just like patted my head while i was laying it on her lap. weird? idk why. she hasnt really been on mind. except for her messaging me on facebook. which doesnt really seem like that big of a deal anymore. whatever.

christmas passed quickly once it got here. christmas is always special to me. but it was good, and i got more than i ever could ask for. new years was good. i went to mikeys with everyone like old days. but i wasnt the same? i had fun. but i missed my house, and matt.

ive always liked shopping for deal and stuff. but ive taken it to a whole new level. like coupons and all. i think its so much fun. ive been to the groccery store twice this week. the first time i had a savings of 50percent. and the second time was a savings of 70percent ! cool.

lately ive just been thinking about how much time has passed. the passed three years have been up and down. but where i am now, shows me that theyve been good to me.

im back in this triangle between me, kathi, and chuck. it might as well be a fuckin circle because im going around and around, and around. kathi cant make a decesion. or either she can make a decesion but she cant call anyone back. i wish i would have neverrr started as a floater, or been good at my job. if this position at honda doesnt come through for me, im looking for another job.. ive always wanted to work at honda, not because of the people but because ive always had a honda, and i grew up around it. but if i have to start from scratch then i guess thats what i'll do. i'll do what i have to, to get where i want to be.

ive never been so in love either. matt and i are doing so well. ive never had anyone treat me the way he treats me, or be sooo happy to see me when he comes home. and ive never wanted to do so much for one person. matt cleared out the spare bedroom for me so i could set up a little room for my wii. so i can do my wii fit and get back into some kind of shape. its neat. i even got a bookshelf for the room! larry called it a "she cave " hahahaha.

ohh yeah. new years i came home at like 4 in the morning.. and there was a wreck on 440. and i saw a guy who was dead in the middle of the highwayyy. ahhhh.

i think its supposed to snow a little tonight? then a lot on monday or somethinggggg. cool.