Thursday, August 30, 2012


Learn to sew better, and make something that I can use.
Ride in a hot air balloon.
Plant a garden.
Learn to bake from scratch. ( and it taste & look good )
Painting something for the house that I really couldn't live without on my walls.
Swim with the dolphins.
Learn to grill a steak like my daddy ( and future husband ) ;)
Change the oil in my car.
Learn sign language.
Go to disney world, six flags, and new york city. ( im sure the list will grow )
Write a book.

I hope the list continues to grow!

side note: im pissed because I tried to go back and look at some old posts.. and all my post from 2009 are gone.. and a whole bunch from 2010. wtf? does blogger delete them after a certain amount of time?