Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the past two weeks ive worked 12-9 at honda because they still havent hired anyone for it yet. i'd just take it but im not working every saturday. sorry, i work enough of them as it is. so last week on thursday i didnt have to be in until 12 and brien just called to say he was going to be late and we drove to sanford to see the puppy. i wanted brien to go because i knew i would take him no matter what. so either way we ended up getting him and i swear ive never seen anything cuter. hes a really good puppy and he has had very many accidents. i took him to work with me on thursday and friday. friday night briien was hanging out with andy so i went over to crystals. cause matt, jenn and crystals sister were there. and i wanted little Utley to play with scooter :) so i picked up arbys for me and matt. then i left at like 11:30 so i didnt get home until 12:30..

then saturday morning i had to work at chrysler but befre i could even get there i got a phone call from matt saying there was no cashier and everyone was panicked. so i went to open up chrysler and then i left there to come open honda. and it seriously was a mad house.. i helped like 10 people as soon as i got there. and then crystal finally showed up at like 915. after i got off i had to go get crystal something to eat then drove home. gave utley a bath with the flea shampoo. then went over to my parents house and my dad gave utley his five way shot. because he was due for it. then we went over to shawn and gabbys cause i had to babysit. i fell asleep for like an hour.. so brien pretty much babysat. afterwards we just went home and went to sleep. utleys been sleeping in the bed :) and hasnt had any accidents in it ! i love my little puppyyy.

then sunday i slept in and me and brien decided to take Utley to the farmers market. and i seriously took us like 3 hours there because everyone we past wanted to see Utley and play with him. but then we left there and went to petsmart and got utley a new leash and collar and a krate for him to stay in when we arent home. then when we were in petmsart i had Utley on the ground cause i wanted him to walk and learn and not bwe scared and this women is like " its time to pick him up now he's scared.." and i just started at her. and then she said it again and im like? what, serioulsy i didnt say anything and then she picked him up and handed him to me.. so i walked to the next eisle and set him down. dumb woman. and walking into petsmart this man was asking about Utley and as i soon as i turned around i was like " are you micthell lanphiers dad? " and he was so we talked for like a good 20 minutes.. about bullshit. apparently his dad moved to apex and now has a baby and shit. whateverrr. so we went home i cookede dinner and did laundryy. yada yadaaa.

monday morning i got up and went to work. and all at the same tim eme, christina, and angie were standing with nicole.. and nicoles like " who wants to work at honda the night shift this week.." and christina's just shaking her head.. and im like " i guess i'll do it." since no one else will fuckin do it. but i asked to not work until on friday cause my birthday is on saturday.. but anyways. brien ended up calling out sick. he was throwing up and had a migraine or something? gross.

then today he called out to and went to the doctor and what not. today has sucked. ive felt like shit the whole day and now i feel like i might throw up.. but we still have two waiters.. and i cant leave.