Monday, August 16, 2010

baby be honest, is this what you wanted?

is already monday, and i feel like shit. me and brien didnt go to bed until like 2AM last night. friday briens parents and nina drove here for new jerseyy. its only supposed to take 7 hours, but traffic was sooo bad it took them 12. so once they finally got here they went to their hotel and then met at the apartment. and they actually got there the same time i did. so we had DOMINOS, and my hunnyyy got me cinna stix ! just walked around the neighborhood a little. then his parents went back to the hotel and nina stayed with us. so we went to wal-mart and sunni skies. saturday morning one of the other floaters at work called me at 8:15 in the morning for NO DAMN REASON. i mean really. her question was dumb, and didnt matter. so then we went to downtown raleigh with his parents. showed them the capitol building, and had lunch at The Oxkford. its was really good. then we went backk, i took a little nap. haaa. then we went over to my parents house. i was a little nervous, but everything was finee. they hit it off really quickly. we had a reallyyy good dinner cause im dad can fuckinnn cook. hahaha. then we sat on the patio and talked. my dad was riding nina a little bit about the whole get a job thing and then it made me really upset because i was thinking about my mom and how i wish i had a mom like nina does. plus everyonee was giving brien hell about having four mikes hard lemonades and being drunkkk. hahaa. we all left around 1130. went home and went to bed.  but i was like briennn can you please make me some ceareal. and i told him to fill the bowl with cereal but i wanted 3/4'S MILKK. he filled the milk all the way to them topp. so of course being in bed i spilt some milk on briens blankettt. hahaha. he was so mad. then sunday morning i woke up and i really just wantedd some of the reeses chips ahoy cookies, so he brought me some :) thatt boy is one of a kindd. so then sunday we went to the meseum of life and science in durham. and brien and i went last weekend, but i still had SOOO much fun. we got to hold butterfliess! and then brien came out when we were leaving and said he bought us all surprizes and he gave me a little ladybug :)!! it was sooo cute. we had to cut it a little short, because i had to go babysit. so me and nina went over to watch gianna. but since we had some extra time we figured we would go by mcdonalds and get me a tea and her that frappe thing she alwayss drinks. soo i pull up and WAIT, AND WAIT. and someone plus up in the second lane beside me and he answers them. so that pissed me off. then i was giving him my order and i said EXTRA ICE three timesss. and he never put it on the screen. so ninas like laughinggg so hard and i speed around the corner. and im like, did you get extra ice because it didnt come up one the screen and he said " UMMM, EXTRA ICE? " and just closed the window.. so ninas crackinggg up and i just waited, and waited, and he finally said " ummm you gave me the money so youu good " EXCUSE ME? " wthhh? so we just drove off and ended up being 5 minutes late. brien brought us some penne ella vodka from daniels. SOOO GOOD. we left at like 1030? then drove around for probably 45 minutes just talkinggg. i had to get soo much off my chest. and nina was so easy to talk to because briens her brotherrr. we got home and brien was alseep but he woke up and we talked for like an hour and a half. this morning nina and her parents left to go back to new jersey, which sucksss. i wish they lived here.