Thursday, August 26, 2010

some days are easier than others.

my job isnt horrible ALL the time. when im at honda im fine, or a day like today its nice to be able to just kind of relax at work. last night i got off of work and met chris at the bowling alley. then we drove out to the barn placeee, i went there a longgg time ago to go fishing. but this time he just had to give the horses water and stuff. i guess they pay him to take care of the horses? idk, im not to fond of horses. lmao. after that he wanted to go check on his grandma. so i wasnt sure if i should go in or what? thats kind of awkward meeting his grandma. but i went in and she was sooo cute. she's 93 years old. and she does sudoku all day long, she was telling me how she even made her own. then we liked walked around the house. and its suchhh an old house that i was really cool. he showed me his crx, which id seen pictures of and the motor because when he worked at honda it was in his bay. lmao. then we left there and met his old roomate chase at best buy and we waited until it was almost 10:00PM to go to MOJOES cause burgers are 2 dollars after ten. so i got a burger with chili and cheese and mustarddd. it was soo good.then we were on our way back to best buy and this lady was seriously drunk or something.. she was driving all over the road, curb, and grass. then she like almost didnt stop at the red light, and we she did her head was like bobbinggg all over the place. then she almost hit the grandpa that was driving next to us. chase and chris had me dyinggg laughing about that old women. then we dropped chase of at his car and chris took me back to the bowling alley. and we got to talking as alwayssss, about religion and shitt. then at like 12:10 i headed home. part of me thinks that was a little late, and the another part of me thinks that im an adult and i dont have a curfew. idk? im kind of over talking about it all anyways. i want my space, ALOT. but i know its something that brien isnt used to. its going to take time, hopefully we can work it out? chris is my only friend that hasnt gone off to college. not my only friend, but the only friend that i hangout with. anywaysss, its only thursdayy. DAMN. and i have to work saturday. whateverrr, ballinnnn paycheck.

people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.