Monday, October 18, 2010

fridayyy i left work at 5 and went home to pack a bag for the weekend. then drove back to matts house, and stopped by honda to see him since he was working until 9. cleaned his kitchennnn, hahaa. it was so messy. then i met him and larry at chilis for dinner. then we pretty much just went to bed. matt had to work saturday anyways. so saturday i slept until like 930? and didnt do anythingggg all day. haha. i watched like 3 movies. downloaded music, and made cds. when matt got home we went to lowes to get each others keys cut. so he'll have a copy and so will i. that'll make life a lot easier. then we went to kohls to look at pots and pans. nooo fun. haha. i just dont want him spending that money. i guess i need to get over that? but then we went to lowess the food store and got beer, and mayo. hahahaaa. and i got cigarettes and the lady was soo dumbbb. she handed me like four differnet kinds and the one she did get right she put back. haha. then we rode the forewheeler <3 over to shaness to cookout. i met a lot of peopleee :) larrys mom, aunt, brother, his wife, and yeahh. its really cool that matt took me over there. we jumped on the trampolinee. after we ate, and larrys dumbass kept catching the grill on fire. hahaha, and finally matt had to put it out for him. we went back to matts to play pokerrr. sooo much funn. i was doing pretty good. i even got four of a kind with 7's. hilarious. i went to bed once i was out and just waited for matt to finish :)

sunday we got up at like 830 -900 and showered and then drove allt he way to my house to drop off my car. then we went to the fair! loveeee it. i had two hotdogs, hahaha. and we just walked around like i love to do! matt got me a carolina shirt :) and he got a state one. too cuteee. i had a pickle! but it started getting so crowded that i just wanted to get outta there. i had A LOT of fun though. then we went to my parents house cause my dad cooked us filet <3 i couldnt eat but half of it. thennn we went to sunni skiess. i love how well my parents and matt get along. :))) it was a good weekendddd.

but last night on the way to sunni skies me and matt had a serious marriage talk?? i guess, idk thats what he called it. i dont like talking about it anymore because i dont want to freak him out. but i just wanted him to understand that im already an adult.. ha. ive already missed my "youth". its just the way i grew up. im not asking to get married tomorrow, but im a lot more grown up and ready for the concept than anyone else my age. if there is anyone i could see myself marrying it would be matt. im happy with my life. i have some amazingggg people around me.