Monday, October 25, 2010

thursdayyy i went right after work with april to get my nails done for the weddingg. and found out that matt was coming to the wedding ! so after we got our nails done i met matt back at my house and we went to belk because i had to get a gift for taylor. i ended up getting a plate, bowl, and mug. then i met matt over in the pots and pans sections. go figureee. and he's like " dont look at the prices, just pick between these two " and of course i looked at the prices, they were both 200 buckks.. so we are standing there and this old lady comes up to us and just started raddiling off all the crap about the pot and pan sets. so we ended up putting it on layaway to get 15 percent off then i got a belk card to get another belk card. so it wasnt too bad. then we had dinner at jack astors <333 luhhh that place.

friday i left work at 3, went home and got ready for the rehersal dinner. it took us like an hour to get through it all twice. then we had dinner. and it was gooddd. chicken, prime rib, potatos, rolls, salad. yummm. then some of the girls headed back to taylors house but i just drove home.

saturday i got up at 7AM and drove to erwin to the hair place, and like no one was there. but then eric and his brother pulled up and he was like "do you work here?" hahahha, i said ERIC. and then he realized and he gave me some flowers that he got for taylor. SO SWEET. ahhhh. then we all got our hair done. and while jamie was doing my make up there was this women in there who like apparently had throat cancer or something. and she had a hole in her throat talking through one of those things. and jamie was like i wish she would stop talking, its creeping me out! hahaha, she said everyone knows you had cancer. thats hateful, but it was soo funny. once we got to the church we changed and took pictures then we waited for a while. did the wedding and then took soo many pictures after too. went to the reception and saww ava and my honeyy. and they didnt even have real food, just like finger food and i was starvinggg. all i had was breakfast. so we stayed for a while then dipped. went to matts house to pick up clothes. then went to traceys cause it was her birthday! and matts mom was there. she was soooo sweet! i dont know why i was ever worried about her. i feel like we could just hangout. idk, it was nice. then we went to crystals and we had to change into flinestone costumes ! hahaha. it was soo cute and funny. i had a good time, but i was so tired we went home at like 1230.

sunday we got up at like 9. showered together <33 then rode to crystals to get matts phone and my glasses. then had breakfast at sonic : ) then i dropped him off to play golf with my dad. the right after i got back to the apartment caroline got there. so i jumped in the shower and got ready. then alicia got there. we went out to garner to eat logans! then went to target. came back home went to dollar tree. then caroline had to leave for her meetings so me alicia and matt just hungout. then we met zack and amanda in raleigh and we all went to the fair! it was sooo much fun. we had the krispy kreme burger!! yummm. fried cookie dough. corndog. a pickle! fries! and some other crapp. haha. and we just kind of walked around and stuff. sooo much fun. then got ice cream on the way out and they were doing fireworks. so matt and zack watched the fireworks while me and amanda talked. i miss her and zack so much, and we made an agreement to atleast hangout once a month! matt and zack got along really well, they just kept talkinggg. :)

i'm sooo in love.