Thursday, October 21, 2010

lucky to be in love with my best friend.

tuesdayy i got off at four and went straight home. i was sooo tired. but casee came over with the two autistic kids she watches during the day. the little girl laura just likes to color but she colors the ENTIRE paper sooo much that its pretty much wax paper. its ridiculous. and then when they were leaving the boy kyle? like got up but wouldnt leave and casee kept saying "lets go, lets go" and he would pretend he was going to cut the tv on, or he would cut it on then cut it right back off. hahahaha. she she finally got him to go. i went to the groccery store to get stuff for breakfast. then right after i got back home casee came back. and we started to watch GLEE but it was a re run ! ahhhh. so we started dinner, then matt got home <33 and we ate, watched the teen mom review thing and then passed out. i was soooo tired.

then wednesday i got off at four and went straight to matts house and went to sleep. then the next thing i rememeber is matt getting home. and apparently jesse was like knocking on the door and stuff? haha, i must have been pretty dead to the world. so jesse and matt cooked dinner, and it was reallyyy good. watched the bounty hunter, then just talked for a while.

my hair is reallyyy soft today? this weekend is really going to suckk. going to get my nails done with april tonight for the wedding on saturdayy. okayyy byeeeeeeee. <3