Friday, October 29, 2010

your lies just made me find the truth in myself.

yesterday i had my doctors appoitment to check up on how i was doing. my daddy couldnt go so matt went with me cause i was nervous and stuff :( we werent in there long. and he just decided to keep me on my same meds and everythingg. i go back in december. so i got to work late. worked at honda. finallyyyy. had lunch with matt and larry at paneraa. yumm. but almost flipped out at all the comotion. then i left at five and met kristyn at starbucks. we stayed for like an hour 1/2. it was nice catching up. because we hadnt seen each other in soo long. then i spilled coffee all down my shirt. hahaha. picked up janine from maserati and drove her to crystals. then we had to go to the store. then i went back to matts to watch the gamee. yeahh right. but i figured i would just hangout anyways. and we had this heateddd discussion about sports. haha, it was fun. i love him so much. state ended up winning. and matt made a gooddd dinner. LOVE MY LIFE.