Friday, October 1, 2010

don't call me a bitch, that just makes everything worse.

on top of everything this is ridiculous. and I cant even just drive around to relax. because I have no god damn money because of not working for a week and then having to pay fucking AT&T so now I'm just sitting in the Harris teter parking lot. how pathetic. is it really me? the problem is I'm not really even sure. whatever. i guess it's a part of my mother that will never go away. I hatebeing compared to her and I really hate feeling like I'm acting like her. this relationship is so different, but vie stayed the same. maybe that's the fucking problem. but mom is pure evidence that I may never have a decent relationship because my attitude. how do you explain that to someone?

then once I left the house I realized that all my best friends are gone. to college or either we just don't talk anymore. I have no where to go besides my parents house but they are out of town. I've fucked myself. I don't want to be with anyone else, thats obvious. I just seem to have a problem with relationships. I'm not even sure how it's lasted this long.

writing on this thing from my iPhone just hurts my god damn eyes, so fuckkkk it.